Local Dentist | Meet Your Dentist: Cosmetic Dentist

What is a Cosmetic Dentist?

While general dentists mostly focus on oral health and preventative care, cosmetic dentists go beyond, providing treatments that aim to improve the aesthetic of your teeth, gums and smile. These professionals are equipped with the skills and knowledge to address a range of cosmetic concerns, from teeth discoloration to misalignment and more.

Becoming a cosmetic dentist requires dedication and advanced training - after completing a bachelor’s degree, aspiring dentists must attend dental school for four years. After this, a dentist who’s interested in pursuing a career in cosmetic dentistry has to undergo additional training in this specialised field, which will typically involve completing postgraduate programs or attending education courses that focus specifically on cosmetic dentistry techniques and procedures.

What can a Cosmetic Dentist do for me?

Your local Cosmetic Dentist is likely to offer a wide range of treatments to improve the appearance of your smile. Although your community Cosmetic Dentist may specialise in certain areas over others, here’s a list of some of the most common services provided by cosmetic dentists:

Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic dentists can help to brighten your smile by using professional-grade whitening agents, in order to effectively remove stains and discoloration caused by various factors including ageing, smoking or certain foods and drinks.

Dental Veneers

These thin, custom-made shells are bonded to the front surface of your teeth in order to transform the shape, colour and overall appearance. Speak to your cosmetic dentist about veneers if you’d like to achieve a natural-looking and attractive smile.

Dental Implants

If you have missing teeth, a cosmetic dentist may be able to replace them with dental implants, which are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone in order to provide a sturdy foundation for prosthetic teeth that will look and function like normal teeth.

Orthodontic Treatments

If you have misaligned teeth or malocclusions, your cosmetic dentist may be able to reposition your teeth with the help of various orthodontic treatments. This may include traditional braces, clear aligners or other advanced orthodontic techniques designed to improve your smile.

Gum Contouring

For patients with too much gum tissue, cosmetic dentists are able to perform gum contouring procedures in order to reshape your gum line, which can help to achieve a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Should I make an appointment with a local cosmetic dentist?

Cosmetic dentists are passionate about improving the appearance of teeth and smiles, because these things can also boost a person’s self-confidence and overall quality of life. Your nearest cosmetic dentist understands the impact that a beautiful smile can have on a person’s social interactions, and they’re dedicated to helping you achieve your dream smile.


Not what you’re looking for? Check out our full Meet Your Dentist series to discover the other types of dentist available, and to track down exactly what you need.