Local Dentist | Meet Your Dentist: Dental Hygienist

What is a dental hygienist?

You’re likely to have had an appointment with a dental hygienist at some point in your life - and if you haven’t yet, you can be sure that there’ll be one on your horizon. They’re an important part of any dental team, dedicated to finding ways to stop dental problems from taking hold before they get so bad they require serious attention.

Your dental hygienist will be a highly trained professional, with a dental nursing qualification offered by a dental school, usually taking two years to complete. In the program, they will have learned about anatomy and physiology, dental pathology and preventative dentistry, and how to take care of patients.

What’s the difference between a dental hygienist and a dentist?

A dental hygienist is usually focused on performing preventative work. Rather than patching up problems that have already taken hold of your teeth or gums, they’re trained in taking care of your mouth before those issues occur, often by removing tartar and plaque from your mouth in the areas it’s difficult to brush or floss.

A dentist uses their skills to treat and restore your teeth and gums, but a dental hygienist specialises in cleaning, scaling and polishing your teeth. They’re both qualified dental professionals, they just focus on different areas of your oral health.

What can my dental hygienist do for me?

Most dental hygienists are trained to offer oral health assessments, allowing them to evaluate the current state of your mouth and provide advice on improving your oral hygiene. When necessary, your local dental hygienist can remove stains from your teeth, find and get rid of plaque, apply materials like fluoride and sealants to prevent further damage, and teach you important oral hygiene techniques.

You can think of your dental hygienist as a sort of teacher, educating you on how to look after your own teeth and gums when you’re at home, and stepping in to help when things go wrong.


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